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03 9335 0650

Notice To Patients About Our Billings

Dear Patients, 

We have tried very hard to keep our practice a bulk billing clinic as we feel high quality primary care should be accessible to everyone without having to charge out of pocket fees to patients. However, the reality is that we are no longer able to sustain this model of primary care due to the ever–increasing overheads faced by our business on a daily basis, and the overwhelming costs involved in running a respectable medical centre.

We would like to continue to provide our patients with the best quality medical care, but in order to do this we must change our billing policy from bulk billing to mixed billing. Mixed billing means that we will now privately charge patients a practice fee for their appointments in full, and then submit a Medicare claim on their behalf so that patients can be reimbursed for the rebate amounts instantly thereafter.

We will continue to bulk bill all patients who have a valid concession card (Health Care, Pension, DVA, Seniors Health Care), and also continue to bulk bill all children under 16 years of age who have Medicare. All other patients will be required to pay a private practice fee in accordance with the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for their respective consultations.

Some government funded health initiatives, such as Chronic Disease Management plans (Care Plans) and Health Assessments, will also continue to be bulk billed for everyone.

Our fees list as of the 3rd of Feb 2025 will be as follows: –

MBS Item NumberPractice FeeMedicare RebateOut of Pocket
03 (face to face)$59.60$19.60$40
23 (face to face)$82.85$42.85$40
36 (face to face)$122.90$82.90$40
44 (face to face)$162.15$122.15$40
2713 (face to face)$121.70$81.70$40
2715 (face to face)$143.70$103.70$40
2717 (face to face)$192.80$152.80$40
2712 (face to face)$121.70$81.70$40
91890 (phone call all hours)$59.60$19.60$40
91891 (phone call all hours)$82.85$42.85$40
5000 (after hours face to face)$73.00$33.00$40
5020 (after hours face to face)$95.80$55.80$40
5040 (after hours face to face)$135.70$95.70$40
5060 (after hours face to face)$174.20$134.20$40

Non–urgent after–hours services are defined in the following times by the Department of Health:

Before 8 am and after 8 pm on weekdays

Before 8 am and after 1 pm on Saturdays

All day on Sundays and Public Holidays

To be transparent with our patients – The Medicare rebate is not provided by the Government to pay doctors for their services, instead it is given to patients as a way to help pay for/subsidise their own healthcare.

Payments for all privately billed services will need to be paid in full on the day after the consult. We have Tyro Eftpos facilities available at our practice which will allow your Medicare rebate to be paid instantly and directly back into your bank account when you use a debit card. Medicare is unable to pay rebates onto a credit card.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept a gap only payment on the day of service (the difference between your Medicare rebate and the practice fee). General Practitioners and Medical Centres have been asking for this option for years so that patients do not have to pay the full fee at the time of service. However successive governments have refused to legislate changes to allow this.

To summarise, patients will be required to pay the full practice fee after a consultation with the GP, and will then receive their Medicare rebate at the same time and therefore only be out of pocket $40 for most consultations. All children under 16 with Medicare and any concession card holders will always be fully bulk billed and will not have any out of pocket fees for GP consultations in most cases.

We hope you understand that our need to adopt this new mixed billing policy is not about higher pay for our doctors, instead it is simply a means to the sustainability and viability of our practice so that we may continue to provide good quality care to our patients and the community.

For any further information in regards to our mixed billing policy, please feel free to contact our staff on 03 9335 0650.

Yours sincerely,

Magnus Medical Management Team

For urgent medical care please call 000.  For any non–urgent after–hours medical advice, please call the National Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25 (13 SICK).